Kate Brennan
York, PA


by Kate Brennan

O'Neill Semifinalist

Discouraged by her recent futile apartment search and the equally futile state of the world, Jaycee finds solace in the clean lines and pre-fab layouts at DUKTIG, her local Swedish furniture store. So she moves in. When others follow her lead, will she be discovered or start a revolution? A heart- warming and unconventional take on where we live, and the parts of ourselves we donate to make it home.

4F, 1M
by Kate Brennan

O'Neill Semifinalist

A TYA musical developed in collaboration with young artists on the things we lose and how to find them — where the lost boys are actually girls.

4-40, any
by Kate Brennan

Daisy Jones & the Six meets Waiting for Guffman in this kaleidoscopic retrospective of a new mom who accidentally starts a cult. When her toddler’s technology prowess leads other moms to start moving onto Jillian’s property, will Jillian be exposed as a fraud or become the person she was always meant to be?

#notacult is a poignant portrait of a woman in crisis on a comedic journey to reinvent herself, as well as a heartwarming tale of the bizarre lengths women will travel to save each other.

Jane Chambers & Judith Royer Finalist

by Kate Brennan

Lanford Wilson New American Play Finalist

In a world of flying and time travel, it’s hard not to feel inadequate when all you can do is make grass grow 5% faster. The School for the Marginally Magical helps the...less amazing students reach their potential, whatever it may be. When a new student immigrates to school bringing more art than practical magic, will the students’ marginal abilities be enough to save their classmates from a horticultural nightmare, and possibly, themselves.

Saved by the Bell meets The Owl House in this offbeat genderless take on how growing up in the margins doesn’t mean you can’t become something extraordinary.

12+, any
by Kate Brennan

O’Neill Semifinalist

Emma James is a mother of two young children who is trying to survive the day and reenter the workforce. But to land the new opportunity she seeks, she may have to make a deal with the devil, or herself, or possibly both. But what could go wrong when she finally gets everything she ever wanted?

Groundhogs Day meets Faust in this new play about the lengths we go to protect our children and the risks we take to preserve ourselves, the devil we know and the devil we haven’t met yet, and the unending ever- illusive search for work/life balance.

10 with doubling, 3F, 1M