Falling Off the Edge

A Mormon swimmer who is afraid of the ocean meets two recovering alcoholics taking their first sober vacation at a beach resort in Costa Rica.  One of the women falls for him, while he falls for the other.  No one gets what they want, but at least one gets what she needs.

Belinda Morris, mid-30’s, a recovering alcoholic with a veneer of confidence over a fragile core. A once and future realtor. Carly Howe, mid-30’s, Good-hearted, with a deeply ingrained frugality. Also a recovering alcoholic. She would be the first to refer to Belinda as “the pretty one.” Matt Ballard, mid-30’s, a swimmer who is afraid of the ocean. Mormon. If Matt heard most people’s inner monologues as they first meet him, he would think his name was “Oh my god!” He is aware of, but neither embarrassed by nor vain about his looks.
Paul Donnelly