JUST PRESS SAVE is a play about two undocumented dreamers who are new transfers to the fictitious Westbrook Public High School, in Willow Grove, PA. Monica and Carter Alvarez are Central American twins who are hoping to graduate before getting deported back to Honduras. And another transfer student, Damon Webster. A Black FTM trans teen who is coming out in public at his neighborhood school as male presenting for the first time. He falls for Monica. She falls for him. The world is swirling around them. It’s Senior year and these students are about to embark on the most transformative year of their young lives, navigating their way to graduate as part of the class of 2022.

HOPE can be found anywhere. You gotta believe, hold on and JUST PRESS SAVE.

*a previous version of the play was a 2018 semi-finalist for the Eugene O'Neill Playwriting Conference

2 W 3 M 1 TM
Rodney Hicks