Miss Information

God and Lucifer compete to prove whether or not the human race (and by extension God) is infallible by having their angels walk among humans and influence their behavior. In the process, they accidentally create a world hell-bent on destroying itself.

God - All-powerful, yet surprisingly secretive and defensive. Not many, including His angels, know much personally about Him. Michael - A warrior with physical prowess and battlefield valor on the brain at all times. Often speaks with their fists. Gabriel - The messenger to both parties, able to remain calm when delivering most pieces of news, good or bad. Uriel - An intellectual, incredibly book smart, lacking social skills. Raphael - Heaven's greatest healer, a kind and compassionate soul that prioritizes the medical needs of others. Lucifer - The Leader of Hell, generally pretty chill, if resentful. Belial - Sexy and manipulative, a master in the art of debate and rhetoric. Beelzebub - Specializing in Pestilence, a frail and nervous sort, but not unkind. Asmodeus - Violent, angry, and not particularly bright. Samael - The only true neutral party, responsible for collecting and transporting souls to the afterlife. Chorus/Varying Roles (between 10-20 people)
Carly Beyer