Amalia Oliva Rojas
Bronx, NY
Theater Artivist, Storyteller and Walking Archive

Amalia Oliva Rojas (she/her/ella) is a Mexican poet, performer, and theater artivist based in Nueva York. Her work centers and archives the stories, myths, and legends told by her family, her community, and fellow immigrant women. She is a proud alumnus of the Vassar College Powerhouse Theater Apprentice Program and CUNY Lehman College. Residencies Include Pen America's DREAMING OUT LOUD fellowship, New Perspectives Theater Company Women's Work Short and Full-Length Play Lab, NYU Hemispheric Institute for Performance and Politics, EmergeNYC Program, Culture Hub's Thriving Changemakers, Beam's Center Lighthouse Artist Residency at Governors Island, among others.

Her plays include Tonantzin On the 7 Train (PEN AMERICA, Nuyorican Poets Cafe), A Step-by-Step Guide on How to Succeed in the Myth-Making Business (Lehman College), How to Melt ICE (or How the Coyote fell in love with the lizard who was really a butterfly) (New York Women’s Fund Grant, New Perspectives Theatre Company and Boundless Theater Company, LATA Award for Outstanding Playwriting), and In The Bronx Brown Girls Can See Stars Too (Titan Theatre Company Future Classics Festival).

She is currently pursuing her MFA in Playwriting at Columbia University as an inaugural The Lily’s Lorraine Hansberry Fellow and as the recipient of the Dean Carol Becker Scholarship.