Ben Stanford
Lubbock, TX
MFA Playwriting Candidate at Texas Tech University

Ben Stanford is a playwright, educator, composer, and director in the MFA Playwriting program at Texas Tech University. He works as a graduate instructor, research assistant, playwright, composer, primary and secondary educator, dramaturg, producer and performer. Ben received his Honors Bachelor of Arts from the University of Utah, graduating Summa Cum Laude and as the College of Fine Arts Outstanding Undergraduate Researcher. He is committed to creating work that gives voice to difference. Ben is a member of the Dramatists Guild of America and the Playwrights' Center, and an honored recipient of the J. T. and Margaret Talkington Graduate Fellowship, Bill and Ann Stokes Regents Scholarship Endowment, and the Hoenig Theatre Artist Scholarship.

For info on Ben's plays, please visit his website.